Christian is a radical individualist with a penchant for mayhem. As a student of the world, his art draws inspiration from countless designers, photographers, artists and architects. His raw aesthetic ranges from loose, abstract acrylic to a fine, detailed ode to pop culture, crafting pieces from multiple layers and rebellious attitudes. Using imagery to recreate times, feelings, and emotions, each piece in RE:IMAGINED is as much a time capsule as it is a piece of art.
Brillo Box
Price: $10,0000
1 of 1 cast bronze statue that is exact dimensions of Andy Warhol’s original Brillo box which was a replica of a commercial Brillo Box.
Andy Warhol's Brillo Boxes are precise copies of commercial packaging. While they fulfill the idea that art should imitate life, they also raise questions about how we identify and value something as art. If Warhol transformed a mundane commercial product into a work of art, how did that transformation happen?
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
DEADlion News
Price: Enquire in Person
Fiberglass sculpture covered in collages of old newspaper headlines of different types of artists and creatives news of passing.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Float like a Butterfly
Price $14,500
Float Like a Butterfly is a reimagined magazine cover of Muhammad Ali’s cover of Esquire Magazine in 1968. Using polarizing newspaper articles that are critical of Ali’s political stance, but also celebrating his boxing accomplishments at the same time.
The Life of Ali
Price $2,800
Using Muhammad Ali’s March 6th 1964 Life Magazine for the background and building layers on top of Acrylic paint and images transfers. This piece represents the hardship of not only Ali at the time but anyone that did not fit in your typical “White American” standards.
Price $15,000
The anti-hero during the counterculture of the 60’s. Also known as “The King of Cool”. Image transfer over his accomplishments and ultimately his demise.
The Duke
Price: $ 2,450
This piece is a reverse image transfer that is layered on the original 1960 Time magazine describing the Decade of Divide. It seems as if we still live in a perpetual decade of division
Bang Bang
Price: $9,500
Original painting on top of antique 1950-1960 ad campaigns and with a custom neon overlay
Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride
Price: $4,000
Hunter S was a wild human on a wild ride. Image transfer on top of Fear and Loathing excerpts.
Victoria Station
Price: $9,800
The image is of David Bowies arrival to Victoria Station on May 2nd 1976 to continue his world tour.
“That didn’t happen. THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. I waved. I just WAVED. Believe me. On the life of my child, I waved. And the bastard caught me. In MID-WAVE, man. And, God, did that photo get some coverage… As if I’d be foolish enough to pull a stunt like that. I died when I saw the photo. And even the people who were with me said, ‘David! How could you?’ The bastards. I didn’t… GOD, I just don’t believe in all that.” David Bowie
End Days
Price: $4,500
Mashup of Kirk Cobain’s Last Photo Session on top of his personal diaries.
Jesse’s Stash
Price: $2,000
Original painting on a very special someone’s high school stash. Featuring Naomi Campell and so much more.
Price: $1,800
With such an emphasis on staying present, worry about the past, and prepare for the future. At the end of the day we all die and it truly lies
The Last Frontier
Price: $2,000
Acrylic on Canvas 48” x 60”
The Stages of Life
Price: $1,800
One of Three pieces shown here…Priced for all three peices
3 piece set acrylic on canvas. Birth, Life, and Death